Friday, August 15, 2008

21st century meat vessel partiality

i began a search thinking about evolution, extraterrestrials, cloning, and the beautiful mind that belonged to a true pioneering acid-dropping french race-car driving world hero, rael:

The "Alien Myth" and reality of time travel-

What are aliens? What are the classic characteristics of an encounter with an alien. Most say Large heads, and small frail bodies. Many say that aliens may communicate through some kind of mental telepathy. The one thing that everyone agrees on is that if there are aliens, they are much more advanced than us both technically and physically. How do aliens relate to us (Humans)? Think about us and how different we are than creatures such as homo-erectus and the ape-like creatures that we evolved from hundreds of thousands of years ago. Many people wouldn't believe that such creatures existed, but science has proven it. many institutions have the actual skeletal remains of early man-like creatures. It is an undisputable fact that evolution is part of our past and will continue far into the future. Think about how many things have changed in just the past hundred years or so. That is a very short amount of time from a evolutionary prospective. Could anyone imagine what the world will be like in a thousand years or one hundred thousand years? I bet if we could see it we would not believe our eyes. What if the beings we call "aliens" are actually the product of humans after many thousands of years of evolution.

Here is why: A creature will evolve in time to perform best in its environment or die off. Charles Darwin noted that Birds that developed larger harder beaks in areas where the food supply was primarily hard seeds and nuts thrived while other bird species died off. What do you think the human of the future will evolve into? It seems that as technology becomes more and more advanced there is less of a need to be physically strong and more of a need to expand mental capacity. It also seems that communication is the key to learning, teaching and advancing our mental capabilities. Since humans have developed a way of communicating Ideas through language our species has thrived and advanced tremendously. Even today we still try to expand and create new and better ways to communicate (telephone, internet, palm pilot, cell phone and so on). I think you are getting the picture. This means that evolved humans thousands of years from now will obviously be much more intelligent and advanced with much less of a need for physical strength and endurance resulting in the typical alien image of a small frail body and large cranium and advanced telepathy ways of communicating. ---

A Raëlian is a follower of Raël, a Frenchman and former motor sport journalist and race-car driver whose parents, the Vorilhons, called him Claude when he was born in 1946. He claims that on December 13, 1973, he was in a volcano near Clermont-Ferrand, France, when he saw a UFO "7 meters in diameter made of a very shiny silver metal and moving in a total silence." He says a radiant being emerged and entrusted him with a message revealing the true origin of mankind. They told him that henceforth he would be known as Raël, which means "messenger."
His followers consider him to be "the prophet of the third millennium." Like all good religious leaders, Raël expects his followers to support him. A 10% tithe is the norm.
He explains his mission in his book, The True Face of God. Vorilhon claims that
he was taken to the planet of the Elohim in a flying saucer in 1975, where he was introduced to noted earthlings such as Jesus, Buddha, Joseph Smith and Confucius. The Elohim, small human-shaped beings with pale green skin and almond eyes, were apparently the original inspiration for the Judeo-Christian God. They informed Vorilhon that he was the final prophet -- sent to relay a message of peace and sensual meditation to humankind under his new name of Raël -- before the Elohim would return to Jerusalem in 2025.
Raël claims that the Elohim have taught him that the human race was created from the DNA of aliens some 25,000 years ago. (In fact, all life on earth was created in alien laboratories.) Among other things, Raël has also learned that cloning is the way to immortality and there is no God or soul. According to Raël, our alien creators want us to be beautiful and sexy and enjoy a sensuous life, free from the restrictions of traditional Judeo-Christian morality.---

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