outer musings = nonreality
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Saturday, August 13, 2011
betelgeuse the destroyer, maker of makers, we've got our eye on thee

at the shoulder of orion
a semiregular supergiant supernova
pointing its rotational axis, destined to irradiate its neighbors

elect the unelectable
before the devil knows you're dead.

eddie from vargas toils the bell well
the multitudes too many
to tell hell from hell

the visceral dreamscape bespeckled by allegory
the ramrod mechanism of bureaucratic automatic
the silent heatwave of a forgotten story
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
post mannequin byproduct technology

one or more will need to be thrown over the side.
preserve the herd
kill the metaphysical tiger
in absentia
reborn back to the past

can you imitate the brilliance and magic
decry what is obtained
mourn what is lost
steeling thyself for the remainder of bitter technology

there were no futures in our collective neon nightmares
only the cold embrace of leftover astronauts left to brittle native yesteryears
even the remnants of infinite progress crept to inevitable demise
in monotone numerology.
and so the fallopian harvest would forever not unwind
and we calculate technoserendipity
one more time

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
lucious starkiller and the gaping head wound

of the miasmic plastopia emerged the dustiest veil of god.
the single pinprick of conciousness and revolt. the light that bears no witness.
looking back at itself in recognition.
cognizant of its misunderstanding.

mathematical illumination th3 microsope that reduces awareness to unending.
the cosmos rife with passage.

like a balloon ribbon throught the outstretched hand, the gentle tug and harmony of decay.
the astronaut fondling of the naked ape penetrating his icy glare.
the astronaut fondling of the naked ape penetrating his icy glare.
Friday, June 25, 2010
sleep away the little slices of death

the barking of the pagan yard ape. the roil of the starscape.
the sprinkling onanist zombiefying emptiness like pragmatic braying monkeymen capsizing their seed upon irresolute earth.

sweep the starstreets lined with cosmic dust.

we explode seismically on top of one another. the orgasmic throes of death watch perpetuated in outside observatories.

come select that which belongs to the innermost secrets of our ancestors.

Sunday, June 20, 2010
mannequin by-product technology

the fortitude of our indifference to the celestial dreamscape haunts our nightmares continuously. the creator's grand romantic gesture was to give pain and suffering to hic creations. you're welcome.
they retaliate by blasting themselves into the universe membrane.
the pressures inherent to deep space travel blew our minds.
mitochondrial abduction of the vain and vaccuous. he rejects them all.
he rejects them all.
but keep the balast unwound to the stars, just in case.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
your interstellar post-coital silence is deafening
and then the walls of sleep were awakened by the last thrust parabula to which we had peered through sunken eyes at the great magnitude. if there had been just one person in the in the entire system to have foreseen the careening cataclysm it would probably have been that limp-wristed physicyst from berkeley.
but alas, the great ending of our time catalogue in forseight by this f'n guy, pictued, his bald dome conspicuously ablaze in the noon sun.
the imprint of destiny mirrored in a celestial partner.
such a thing had already been chronicled through the ages. the ignorance echoes across millenium. we scribed nothing in response.
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